No Cancer RP

Full Version: Jays Unban APP
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hat is your steamid?(76561198880198676)

What is your discord @? Anhalt#7972

Who banned you? NCRP Demon

What is your ban reason(don't explain why just put what it says when you try to join)? MRDM

Approximate time/date of ban?i dont know i havent been on in a while

Insert a screenshot of your ban message if possible. This is what you see when you try to join the server but are banned. sorry i dont have one

Was this ban false, did you do what you were accused of? MRDM but my account got hacked again some days ago and when i got it back it said i was banned for a week for mrdm even tho i havent done it as it said my account got hacked

Why should you be unbanned? i think this ban was false because merely my account was hacked and therefore i had no control over my account for the 2 days it was banned for [the day before and the day on the ban] and like i said no control over my account and i contacted steam support so thats why my account was hacked because i got a email saying to enter my passwrod to encrypt my account and i did it the next day i couldnt log into my account
isnt this like your 3rd unban app
Cope +ratio
Appeal Denied

You must wait a week to make another ban appeal, which you did not do. You only waited two days.