No Cancer RP

Full Version: Spectre's Staff Application
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What is your steamid? 

What is your discord @ ?

How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP?

Do you have a working mic in-game?

How old are you?
I am in my 20s.

Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before?
No. I have a decent amount of experience on other platforms, but not on GMod specifically.

If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank?

What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants?
I am someone who genuinely enjoys problem solving and helping others. I tend to learn quickly and am always looking for new ways to challenge and improve myself.

Do you have experience with SAM?

Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) 
Yes, but my commitments are flexible.

What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? 
On an average day I can be active from ~10p-5a EST, this is a range however and I am normally not online throughout this entire period and probably will not be without specific conditions or reasons for that to be the case. 

Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do? 

State the reason for the report and ask Player B what happened. Allow player A to respond and gauge the situation, checking logs if necessary or if there is conflicting information. If I found that Player A did indeed RDM Player B I would inform Player A of their violation, warn them, and attempt to further inform them of the rules.

Player A claims Player B is propblocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do?
If through all means available to me I could not confirm that there was a propblock, I would ask Player A if they had any proof of propblocking (ex. a screenshot, clip, etc..). If there was still no evidence of Player B propblocking I would return the players after telling Player A that I will keep an eye on the situation and to let me know if anything else happens.

10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do?
I would ask one or more of the players who claim to be affected but are not shown in the logs for additional proof (ex. a screenshot, clip, etc..). If there was no proof to sustain any claim other than the one RDM shown in the logs, I would handle the situation as if it were a single RDM, then pay additional attention to the reported player to see if they do anything additional.

A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do
If there were a genuine error or misunderstanding, I would attempt to find a resolution with that person. If this was unprompted or we were unable to find a satisfactory resolution I would explain that they are welcome to report me if they feel it necessary, and that I'm sorry they feel that way.
+rep Can be a nighttime staff
+/-rep As long as you actually typed the scenarios they are good and work, except we would usually just give a new player a verbal warning to start out.
+rep Currently active on the server

Never had a problem with him, mature fella, doesn't break rules, is quite active. Would make a good fit on the team.
if other parts of you are flexible 
+Rep has been quite active
+Scenarios are fair but I agree with WeebIsSadCat
+Rep Like the evening hours