No Cancer RP

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So it's common knowledge that if you world glow a black prop and stacker/Fading door both you have a one way. There have many multiple uses of this kind of base, which to be honest is the only server in existence where there is a problem(for good reason) ( this kind of thing should be allowed its GMOD building 1 of1. But out of the 30 bases I've built I HAVE NEVER RUN INTO AN ISSUE WITH IT, until today when a player tried to RAID me but couldn't "lockpick" both doors. Go buy a keypad cracker was my response. 

     This is one of the best servers out there, I personally love how its conducted, but if something so loved and known by the public is taken away I don't see that going very good for the rest of the server. I'm not worried about a refund on everything I lost but simply an update on the rule list that indicated I can't use stacked props as a fading door (2) btw. If that the case, and we choose to go that route, It's gonna be players that abuse the rope tool to see through everything, or basing will just become a shitty part of this server. Let's not make any parts shitty shall we and not require keypad crackers but cmon now. Lockpicks are outdated technology.
Lockpicks are no more outdated than keypad crackers.
Keypad crackers are far more prevalent because of a stupid basing meta of putting huge prop bases everywhere on the map instead of basing within map buildings.
The rules are intended to provide the most fun for the most amount of people and removing the ability of anyone who doesn't have a keypad cracker to raid is not the intention or a goal of the rules.
Additionally, most bases do not have an issue with this as the prop that can has a material to see through a world glow is located external to the doors themselves (eg. around the shooting windows).
This rule has existed in the form of the "All bases must be raidable with the bare necessities" rule for a long time and is meant to allow more people to raid.