No Cancer RP

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Hey, I had an idea for a way to facilitate finding the people you need. It's just a hiring board, where you can make hiring posts to find people who will be willing to do the job.

For example, say you want to hire a guard, but most players don't just choose to be a guard because most of the time nobody will hire them. So, instead of spamming ooc chat, you would open the hiring board, say what role you're looking to hire (in this case, a guard), enter their salary (you will pay x amount of money every y amount of minutes, where x and y are variables), and maybe even a description box where you can go into more details on what you're looking for.

This doesn't have do be limited to guards, though. You could use this to find people to base with you, hire a private gun dealer for your group, or hire someone to raid someone you don't like, among many other possibilities!

The details of the implementation aren't that important, but it would make the most sense if it were added as a tab in the f4 menu. Other things you could add to this is multiple ways of sorting the job requests, and/or a sub-tab for people who are looking to be hired instead of looking for people to hire. You could even integrate this with the Hitman role, letting you choose a player for the Hitman to kill if you hire one of them.

I think this would vastly improve the way players interact with each other, and facilitate play for trying out more complicated ideas that make the game more interesting. There aren't many downsides aside from programming time, but for something so simple it shouldn't much more than some hours. Thanks for hearing me out, and I hope you implement this soon, as I already have some ideas in mind for what to do with this c:<
sounds like a decent idea I might consider adding something like this