No Cancer RP

Full Version: New Items to the Store.
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I personally love SWEPS. the problem is, most are Role locked(meaning you can only access them as certain jobs) but, I think a few SWEPS(maybe a couple items) should be purchasable in the store.


This is a absolute CLASSIC SWEP, and its a shame its Role Locked to Jake Paulers(ETC). Being able to Dab as a terrorist as you blow up half the server would be just fantastic.

Middle Finger SWEP:

While not on the server yet, I feel as though it would truly add to the No Cancer experience. Being able to flip someone the not so Jesus friendly finger would be flippin amazing.


Call It mingey, Sure. Call it pointless, Cool. But the Vape is a beautiful part of the NC|RP Community! Wither its just the regular old vape, or any other type of vape, And It being role locked to Very few roles is kinda making me sad