No Cancer RP
epic server

Mod Application
ProdigyWAV Offline
[color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]What is your steamid?(this can be found here: [/color][color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]) STEAM_0:1:634757517[/color]
What is your discord @ ? @prodigy.wav
How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP? 20 and 10 minutes
Do you have a working mic in-game? yes
How old are you? 23
Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? yes
If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank? i was a trial mod for a different server i forgot the name of its been a couple years since ive played
What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? I believe that i can help people that need the help that are needed, and i believe that i can be the best that i can be
Do you have experience with SAM? no 
Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) no
What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? 4-8 hours
Scenario Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do?
i would ask them what happened then teleport the player that rdmed and freeze them asking them why they rdmed, after that i would check the logs
Player A claims Player B is propblocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do?
i would check to make sure that the props are not invisible and then i would delete the props if there are any and close the ticket
10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do?
i would warn the person that rdmed the one person and then close the ticket and keep a close eye on them
 A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do i would keep my proffesionalism and say that im just doing what i can and then close the ticket and return them


yoog ☆ Offline
Good availability
You have some experience with being staff
Over the age of 16
Scenarios could have used a bit more love but we can work on that
+REP, could be a good addition to the team

NCRP Admin
I am ukrainian and WILL take your tax money

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