No Cancer RP
epic server

Apple Jack Staff Report
epileptic gaymer Offline
Junior Member
STEAMID(of reported user(s)): STEAM_0:0:29835944
Approximate time/date of incident: No Specific Time All day 09/07/24
What you are reporting for: False Jail, Twisting rules his way, False Warns.
Evidence: DM me for clips, they are long, I will screenshare them, (im poor and dont have medal premium)
Discord Theyluvadot

Mr Meanie Offline
After reviewing the evidence, i have decided not to take action on johnny as the jail and warns were valid. If you feel this issue is not correct, feel free to DM me on discord @ Mr Meanie
Head Admin
Feel free to message me on discord.

gaelgarcia1477 Offline
He is putting his favorite player in god mode and is harassing players while they are in jail.

God Offline
(09-10-2024, 01:16 AM)gaelgarcia1477 Wrote: He is putting his favorite player in god mode and is harassing players while they are in jail.

yup this kid staff abuses and gets away with it because hes butt buddies with the owner

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