No Cancer RP
epic server

  OGPaperPlane's Ban appeal
Posted by: OGPaperPlane - 01-07-2025, 02:37 PM - Replies (2)

What is your steamid?  OGPaperPlane ( 76561198109320994)

What is your discord @? meatrifle0321 

Who banned you? Jjuce

What is your ban reason(don't explain why just put what it says when you try to join)? None... 

Approximate time/date of ban? few years ago

Insert a screenshot of your ban message if possible. This is what you see when you try to join the server but are banned.

Was this ban false, did you do what you were accused of? It was a false ban the guy was being rude. I tried appealing before and never had a response.

Why should you be unbanned? I should be unbanned because I was banned for no reason and as I'm recently returning to the game this was my favorite server to play on. I was a donator and had a lot of play time on here as well.

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Video Mod Application
Posted by: ProdigyWAV - 01-04-2025, 12:55 PM - Replies (1)

[color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]What is your steamid?(this can be found here: [/color][color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]) STEAM_0:1:634757517[/color]
What is your discord @ ? @prodigy.wav
How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP? 20 and 10 minutes
Do you have a working mic in-game? yes
How old are you? 23
Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? yes
If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank? i was a trial mod for a different server i forgot the name of its been a couple years since ive played
What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? I believe that i can help people that need the help that are needed, and i believe that i can be the best that i can be
Do you have experience with SAM? no 
Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) no
What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? 4-8 hours
Scenario Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do?
i would ask them what happened then teleport the player that rdmed and freeze them asking them why they rdmed, after that i would check the logs
Player A claims Player B is propblocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do?
i would check to make sure that the props are not invisible and then i would delete the props if there are any and close the ticket
10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do?
i would warn the person that rdmed the one person and then close the ticket and keep a close eye on them
 A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do i would keep my proffesionalism and say that im just doing what i can and then close the ticket and return them


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Video Mod Application
Posted by: ProdigyWAV - 01-04-2025, 12:53 PM - No Replies

[color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]What is your steamid?(this can be found here: [/color][color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]) STEAM_0:1:634757517[/color]
[color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]What is your discord @ ? @prodigy.wav
How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP? 20 and 10 minutes
Do you have a working mic in-game? yes

[color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]How old are you? 23
[/color] [color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? yes
[/color] [color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank? i was a trial mod for a different server i forgot the name of its been a couple years since ive played
[/color] [color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? I believe that i can help people that need the help that are needed, and i believe that i can be the best that i can be
[color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]Do you have experience with SAM? no 
Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) no
What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? 4-8 hours
Scenario Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do?
i would ask them what happened then teleport the player that rdmed and freeze them asking them why they rdmed, after that i would check the logs
Player A claims Player B is propblocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do?
i would check to make sure that the props are not invisible and then i would delete the props if there are any and close the ticket
10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do?
i would warn the person that rdmed the one person and then close the ticket and keep a close eye on them
 A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums
. What do you do i would keep my proffesionalism and say that im just doing what i can and then close the ticket and return them

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  my staff app lowkey badass
Posted by: virgin by choice - 12-25-2024, 06:41 PM - Replies (1)

What is your steamid?(this can be found here: STEAM_0:0:541984224

What is your discord @ ? bubblerxz

How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP? 17 mins

Do you have a working mic in-game? yes

How old are you? 16

Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? yes

If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank? cludgaming tmod , some server i forgot name on(renamed to ashura networks after i resigned and cant remeber the name before that ) S Admin , worked on my own server for 2 months (  didnt launch cuz of issues with the dev team and experinced a burn out)

What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? im very smart and good at challenges and dedicated

Do you have experience with SAM? yes

Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) school

What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? as im English 9pm- 5 am

Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do? ask what happened then once they say i ask for a clip (1) if they have a clip and it shows it was rdm i will bring player a and explain i have seen a clip and warn and dmgban them for rdm (2) if there isnt a clip i will bring player A and ask what happened (1) if they admit to rdm i will warn adn dmgban for rdm (2) if they deny it i will check logs. (1) if its clear rdm i will warn and dmgban player A (2) if it is unclear i  will ask Player B to try get a clip next time and return them both

Player A claims Player B is propblocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do? say that i didnt see any props so i ask if they have a clip (1) they have a clip and i bring player B and propban and warn them for Propblock (2) no clip i will say they will need proof as i didnt see anything and return them

10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do? speak to the person they killed and check logs IF it is an rdm warn and dmgban for one RDM but not Mrdm

A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do tell him to go ahead as if their is an issue it will be resolved by a higherup

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  harkinian's (aka plah, plahvatada, & chromo) staff application.
Posted by: chromo - 12-24-2024, 02:35 AM - Replies (2)

What is your steamid?


What is your discord: @plahvatada

How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP?  350+

Do you have a working mic in-game? Yes

How old are you? 16

Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? I have been staff for a DarkRP server previously.

If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank? Jr.Moderator, NCRP.

What special skills do you possess that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? I'm cool and layback and I possess a good logic bias when it comes to staff sits and I will try to figure out the best outcome for the sit based on the events that happened beforehand.

Do you have experience with SAM? Yes I have used SAM before but to note I will need to get used to SAM again.

Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) Not at the moment

What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? Between 12PM and 12AM sometimes at night too.

Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do?

I will teleport Player B to the sit and check logs if Player A killed Player B I will figure out why they killed them if its a good reason I will let it slide and let Player B know why I let him go and end the sit, if its a bad reason however ill let Player B decide what to do with Player A as punishment (Jail, Let Him Go, Warn, & Verbal Warn)

Player A claims Player B is prop blocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do?

I will first check to see if any props we're removed in logs and to also see if any witnesses that seen the supposed prop blocking has a clip of it and then punish them based on the severity of the situation at hand.

10+ People are all saying the same person is mass rdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do?

I will investigate what is going on and spectate the player to see if he is up to anything and react accordingly.

A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do

Tell him to go ahead and try to de-escalate the situation if subject is escalating then react accordingly and to contact higher ups.

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  Pichu's Staff Application
Posted by: Pichu - 12-11-2024, 12:06 PM - Replies (2)

Thank you for your consideration.

What is your steamid? STEAM_0:1:151735024

What is your discord @ ? @Pichubber

How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP? 26 Hours, last I checked

Do you have a working mic in-game? Yes, I do.

How old are you? 28

Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? Yes, I have.

If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank? I was community manager on PlayFree RP, from the C3 Networks. I also served as chief of staff, before stepping down after a few years of doing that.

What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? I believe myself to be patient and of the right temperament, meaning that I would conduct sits and other staff situations clear communication and understanding. I tend to focus more on the solutions than dwell on the problems.

Do you have experience with SAM? I have no experience with SAM.

Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) I work a fulltime job Monday-Friday, I am free in the mornings and have open availability on weekends, when the server is most active.

What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? Monday-Friday, 7AM-12PM. Open availability on weekends.

Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do?

This would be an excellent learning experience for that new player and a chance to sit there and go over the rules in the motd with that new player. If player B lost anything significant as a result of the rdm, I would do what I could to make sure they were made whole (give them some of my money). If the problem with Player A were to persist, then the verbals would turn into a jail time.

Player A claims Player B is propblocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do?

I'd encourage Player A to clip situations like these, where possible. I assume there's logs for prob placements, but if there wasn't, I'd keep an eye on player B just to make sure there was intent to roleplay/no minge. Without proof of any rules being broken, I would not be able to reprimand anyone, but if I were to see something that goes against the rules, I would have to react accordingly with a warning/jail, or even a kick if it was any worse.

10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do?

I would respond to the reports, and remind them that calling false sits is a punishable offense. The player who rdm'd would get a warning and told to go over the rules if needed, and I would continue to watch the situation after that. It's important to see that there's an intent to roleplay, and not immediately cast judgement on players who break a rule as a first offense.

A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do?

I would remind them that harassing members is against the rules, and that I encourage them to make a report if they felt there was any wrongdoing. I would also advise them to include video proof in their report and remind them that ultimately, staff have the final say in sits. I would apologize for their grievance, and advise them to just play the video game. There's no reason to escalate any situations and as staff, we should treat people how we want to be treated.

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  Koyo's Staff Application <3
Posted by: KoyoEXE | YT - 12-11-2024, 08:23 AM - Replies (7)

What is your steamid? 76561198124955416

What is your discord @ ? @koi.yoh

How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP? 2D 5H 14M

Do you have a working mic in-game? yes

How old are you? 21

Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? no 

If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank? N/A

What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? The best staff members are professional, patient, and skilled in clear communication, ensuring they handle disputes fairly while enforcing rules consistently. I can confidently say i hold and can uphold these qualities as a staff member.

Do you have experience with SAM? no

Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school). Not ATM (Subject to change in the future)

What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? 12:00am - 12:00pm CST

Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do?  Teleport both players to the sit room, gather both sides of the story, and check logs or evidence to confirm if RDM occurred. If Player A is found guilty, issue a warning per guidelines, explain the rule against RDM, and encourage them to review the server rules for future reference.

Player A claims Player B is propblocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do?  Check for evidence of prop blocking by inspecting Player B's base and reviewing logs if needed. If no evidence is found, inform Player A that no propblocking was detected, remind both players of the rules, and end the sit.

10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do?  Investigate further by checking logs thoroughly, questioning the accused and the reporting players, and looking for patterns or missing details. If evidence of Mass RDM isn't found, warn the group about false accusations, monitor the accused, and close the sit.

A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do?  Stay calm and professional, asking the player to provide their proof and directing them to follow the proper reporting procedure on the forums. Remind them that insults and threats are not acceptable behavior, and issue a warning if necessary.

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  NCRP 2025 Christmas Event
Posted by: JJuce - 12-09-2024, 11:27 PM - No Replies

Hello friends! We are bringing back the NCRP Christmas event for this year. We have been working on a new and improved version that we hope you will all enjoy. Presents will spawn every 20 minutes along with a chat message and a sound effect. Presents can contain items like guns, money, credits, etc. Additionally, the players who collect the most presents will get additional prizes described below. To check the top present collectors, use /leaderboard.

Event Starts December 10th and ends December 31st.

To keep the event fair for all players, you will not be allowed to use any additional resources to assist you when finding or collecting presents. We have measures in place to prevent cheating automatically. However, anyone found using e2, staff powers, external scripts, etc. to assist in finding or collecting presents will be harshly punished. This is to ensure all players can have a fair and enjoyable experience.

Top Collector Rewards:
1st Place: 250 Credits + Christmas Bundle + Custom Chat Tag 
2nd Place: 100 Credits + Christmas Bundle
3rd Place: 50 Credits
4-10th Place: 10 Credits

Present Rewards:
Money ($25,000 - $250,000)
Credits (1 - 10)
Special SWEPS (pizza thrower, lightsaber, etc.)

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  Staff Application
Posted by: Kyro - 12-03-2024, 06:07 PM - Replies (2)

What is your steamid? STEAM_0:0:634485776

What is your discord @smitty693

How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP? 2 days, and I am not sure why it says 2 days because I have longer lol.

Do you have a working mic in-game? Yes, I do, but I am not comfortable using it.

How old are you? 15 (Mature)

Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? Yes, I have staffed on a GMOD DarkRP server before, I have staffed on many.

If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank? I've staffed on multiple, but I will give one I am a Moderator in pac's shack, I used to run my own DarkRP server also.

What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? With my experience in developing and managing a server, I have my skills in scripting, and also troubleshooting. I will now move onto another topic. I also can resolve issues quickly, and yeah, I can basically solve a lot of problems, I am always available to learn new things and, stay updated with the server.

Do you have experience with SAM? I unfortunately do not.

Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) I do have school.

What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? I am on Garry's mod always so I can basically be on whenever, but I can probably be on 8:00AM to 3:00PM, and I will always be on that time was not really specific.


Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do? Alrighty first things first, I would ask them to tell me their side of the story, I will make sure each of the players get a chance to speak. Next, I would check the server logs to verify that this happened, I would look for the evidence and such, and I would look very deep, and check to see any logs about RDM. Alrighty, next If I see that Player A RDM'ed Player B, I will take actions from there. 

Player A claims Player B is prop blocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do? First, I would listen to both of the players, I would ask Player A to explain, then I would give player B a chance to explain. Next, I would check logs, and in the logs I would check if anyone placed props (Player B) or any recently removed props. Next, I would teleport to the area Player A said he was prop blocking, and I will explore the area. Next, I would do whatever you guys do for the punishment.

10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do? First, I would check for evidence in the logs or if anyone has proof. Next, I would watch the accused player for a while, and see if he does anything further. Next, I would ask the players for their side of the story so I can get some better detail. 

A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do? First, I would stay calm, and be professional, and I would let him do that because I can't stop him from making a report on me.

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  Nissans/jackies application
Posted by: Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R 1999 - 12-02-2024, 07:35 PM - Replies (3)

What is your steamid?(this can be found here:

What is your discord @ ?
Email: (Please say who you are when sending an email.)

How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP?
3 days 22 hours

Do you have a working mic in-game?

How old are you?
I am 16.

Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before?
I've never been a staff on a Gmod server before, but I have on Rust, Unturned, and ARK.

If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank?
I cannot remember the Rust server name but I was a Junior Mod. The Unturned server was called Raider's Semi-RP and I was an Admin. Finally I do not remember the ARK server name, but I was a Mod.

What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants?
Communicating, finding solutions, dealing with players that come to the server who come only to get banned.

Do you have experience with SAM?
I have no experience with SAM.

Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school)
Week days I have school 7:00 AM central time to 4:00 PM.

What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day?
I will usually be (weekdays) on for a bit at about 6:00 AM (central time) and later at 4:00 PM.
An average I would say per day that I can play on the server not AFK is about 2-3 hours (weekdays).
But during weekends I can be on almost all day probably a minimum of 4-5 hours!

Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do?

First I would ask Player B, "So whats going on?" Second I would go to player A and ask them why they would do this, and get the background story from their perspective. Third I would decide what is needed to solve or stop what is going on, and if I really need to take a split second to remind myself of the rule that is being broken. Fourth depending on the situation and how the player may react I would advise him to watch what he does and give him a verbal and or a warning (maybe jail time).

Player A claims Player B is prop blocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do?
First I would tell the player B that player said he was prop blocking and ask if it was true (keeping attention to the tone of how he/she responds). Second I would ask player A if he had gotten and clips of the situation or any further proof. Third if there is clear evidence that the player B was indeed prop blocking I would give the user jail time, kick/tempban, and possibly a verbal. But depending on how player B reacts I may keep a very close eye on him.

10+ People are all saying the same person is mass rdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do?
First I would start off by answering the first report on the incident, and I might jail the guy but not for long as I want to see why people are saying this. Second I would watch him for a bit seeing what happens until another report comes in about the person. Third I would answer the report and confront everyone who had made a report on the person asking them all to not make false reports then return them. Forth bring the person who made the real report of him being rdmed by checking who he had killed in logs. Finally I would tell the player why he is being banned or warned and explain to him that we do not allow any of that on the server.

A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do
First thing I would do is tell the person to not complain to me and make a staff report. Next I would ask if I was able to se the clip to help possibly resolve the situation. Finally I would forward it to higher ups and explain the situation, but if there was something wrong ask how I can improve/prevent this from happening again.

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