No Cancer RP
epic server

  Mossy's Staff Application
Posted by: Mossy - 1 hour ago - No Replies

What is your steamid?(this can be found here: My Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:627212274

What is your discord @mossy6942

How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP? I currently have 171 hours.

Do you have a working mic in-game? Yes

How old are you? 16

Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? Nope 

What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? I Know That when I become an admin I will listen to the people making sure that they are served Equally, and right. This is Because, I was always told if you don't like something, Fix it, so fixing it I will. Also I am a great listener and I am a quick learner. I can also adapt to my environment, and I know I will be a Valuable asset to the team.

Do you have experience with SAM? Nope

Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) Yes, I'll be back in school soon. That is currently it.

What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? 2 pm - 9 pm

Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do? I would First ask Player B what happened. After hearing their part, I would ask Player A why they had RDMed Player B. Once I hear both stories I would check logs to make sure their stories check out. I would then tell Player A the rules of RDM, and how its not allowed to do it. I would then give Player A a verbal warning sending them back first, then ask player B if they had lost anything in the RDM. If they did I would check logs to make sure, and drop what they lost. After the sit I would spectate making sure player A isn't just a troll and if they aren't, and I am not busy I would help them out a little showing them the ropes.

Player A claims Player B is prop blocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do? First thing I would do before taking anyone to me, I would check if Player B is currently Prop Blocking. Then I would then teleport Player A and, ask questions about their Accusations. I would Also ask if they have any proof of Player B prop blocking. If I have any proof at all of Player B Prop Blocking either from clips or logs, I would bring them to a sit and ask them why are they prop blocking and tell them that they cant do that at all. I would give Player B a warning sending them back. after I send them back I would watch for them for a while. if they do it again, I would then tell them the rules once again, and jail them for around 15 minutes. if they continue, I would kick them. Anything after that I would ban them for 2 to 3 days.

10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do? So first I would Instantly teleport the player who is being accused of mass RDM. ill call this person Bob. I would question Bob asking him about the accusations against him, and I would hear his side of the story. while i'm listening I would check logs to see whats going on. I would see that he has that one kill so I would tell Bob not to RDM. I would teleport the guy who he killed ask for his story and if he wants to press against Bob. If so i would give bob a RDM warn and send him back watching him. If he does end up MRDM or I get a clip, I would ban him for a few days for MRDM. But in the situation if its just another RDM ill follow the same thing like i said with the prop block situation. 

A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do: First, I would tell the person that i'm sorry they feel this way, and if they would like to talk it out. if they choose not to I would tell them, if you want to you can send a report through the forums. If they decide to send the report, I would assist them or ask another active mod to assist them with it.

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  Buff jobs
Posted by: Mossy - 07-24-2024, 04:43 AM - No Replies

I spent a while growing weed probably a few hours in this time i got to 38% purity and only sold it all for roughly 50k, also I lost money because the micromanagement which is a good price but adds up. Idk what to do with it but just buff the money.

garbage man Starting off on the server i played as a garbage man and after collecting lots of trash I barley sold the trash for around 20-30k, doing this job is lots of work for little money I suggest to add a slight buff in sell value and adding a percentage sell rate like the weed buyers.

mining is a cool job but with the difficult/expensive start it has and only making a few grand for each ore bar is crazy ngl. buff ore value a ton

my point im tryna get across is this server is dry with only way to make decent money is printers, bitcoin, and meth. This dries the server out making it repetitive. also meth jobs are only limited to 4 people making it kind of competitive at times, so buffing these jobs values will make people more interested into these others jobs and making decent money while doing them.

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Star Events
Posted by: Mossy - 07-24-2024, 04:29 AM - No Replies

Events should be held more frequently, but give enough time for people to be able to get on. Currently the server stays at a constant 30-40 when everyone is on. doing a event would get people on + the server population would rise bringing the server higher on the list making more people joining adding new faces that might stay. I currently believe that only having event during high pop is a waste, and making there server dry and falling in players.

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Posted by: Mossy - 07-23-2024, 01:09 PM - No Replies

There is this kid who was harassing Me and my party, The kids name is Special Operation. This kid will not leave me alone so I start using warns and eventually I kill him after the 3rd warn. This happens a couple times which the kid returned to us following us where we went. the kid reported me and my team a few times where the admin yodie tp'ed us all and told us to just stop killing and tp'ed us back not letting us explain, this happens around 3 to 4 more times. the kid is eventually jailed, AFTER a good 15 minutes of this happening. He was jailed for rdming one of my team members, special was jailed for 5 minutes. right after This I am jailed for 10 minutes for no reason, In between this i have constantly told Yodie I have clips which I did, he wouldn't respond and eventually after what felt like eternity of this kid spamming the digornos pizza sound ear raping me he warns the kid for harassment and i am beyond angry since I told him we have clips and he wont even listen. Yodie then took away the kids tool so he couldn't spam it. So the kid switches to trump spamming his sound now. I kill the kid instantly as he tried spamming the sound which he reported me. in the sit he said he said i killed him which I did so i admit i did kill him and i change the subject trying to use the time in the sit to tell yodie that the kid is harassing us stop and as im explaining for the million time that i have clips, he said why didn't you tell me that and i yell at him along with my team member we have been telling you, you just do not listen. while I am in middle story telling yodie what this kid has been doing when yodie returns us, ignoring what we have told him. pretty much this whole time this kid has followed us spamming the sounds some charcters haves we have used the rules to get rid of him like warns, and kidnapping. This is not okay that when we are constantly being harassed that Yodie wont even try to listen to what happened and ignore us every way as possible. ive sent reports for harassment and he takes them and dismissed them instantly wiping them like it didn't exist. if this is how he treats his, makes sense why the server is dead. I think the worst part of this whole situation is how he didn't take it serous.

note- Im in a party with 3 people one left a lil after half way this was happening so when i was jailed for RDM it falls under the party rules but i couldn't explain this because yodie wouldn't listen. a majority of kills on this kid which were "RDM" were because of the party rules

when i was jailed i was making reports hoping another admin would see the situation seriously and yodie would take it and dismiss it i offer clips he declines saying i never said it. And the actual worst part is i was jailed longer then the kid and the kid special is still on the server breaking rules all the time and nothing ever happens to him except for a warn or a short jail. You can ask anyone on the server who has been on and they would tell you the pain the kid is. Funny thing is this whole incident could have been avoided if yodie took time to see what the kid was doing and if he would look at my clips. I hope no one has to deal with this again

Also I don't know how to send clips i have been asking but no help so if you want clips dm me my account is Mossy on discord

this is a repost my last post i did it wrong

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  My staff application
Posted by: Rosie - 07-20-2024, 03:15 PM - Replies (4)

What is your steamid?(this can be found here: STEAM_0:0:861212045
What is your discord the_cool_gamer_god

How many hours do you have on No Cancer RP? about 7 hours so far.

Do you have a working mic in-game? No, but i can hear people, my mic jack is broken.

How old are you? 13

Have you ever been staff on a gmod server before? Yes. I don't remember the server names.

If you answered yes to the last one, which server and what rank? I dont remember the names and moderator.

What special skills do you posses that will make you more qualified than the other applicants? I am good at understanding people and can relate to disability's.

Do you have experience with SAM? No.

Do you have any other significant commitments? (such as a job or school) Yes. I am in advanced classes for science and math. I also do football and basketball.

What times EST(server time) can you be active on an average day? about 10:30 am to 11:50 pm

Player A, a new player RDM's a returning player, Player B. Player B calls for a sit. After teleporting them to a sit room, what do you do? I ask what happened, and if they have proof or the problem is proven true i will jail or warn for RDM but if it isnt true, I will jail player B for breaking NLR

Player A claims Player B is propblocking, but you do not see any props. What do you do? I ask for any clips or evidence, if it is not provided I will do a verbal warning.

10+ People are all saying the same person is massrdming, but in the logs you only see he killed one person. What do you do? I ask for evidence of the mass rdming.

A player calls you a shit admin, he also claims he has proof against you and threatens to report you on the forums. What do you do I call a higher up and see what to do.

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  Skidz's Guide To The Radio
Posted by: Skidz - 07-17-2024, 07:25 PM - No Replies

I've seen a lot of confusion around the radio dj role and how it works, so heres a step by step guide on how to get a simple radio station going!

1. Go to

2. Find a station that tickles your fancy

3. Download the .m3u has to be that file

4. Send the file somewhere on discord to yourself or a server

5. Copy the link of the file through discord

6. Press next on the radio dashboard

7. Paste the link and voila! enjoy your free easy listening

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Posted by: The Russian demo man - 07-08-2024, 09:31 AM - Replies (1)

Hello there admins i was banned a some time last week because i was playing grust i played for 2 or more hours and then i forgot i left my cheats on and joined ncrp because i wanted to join my friend scat here is his profile because he asked me to join i am really sorry i did not mean to cheat

sincerely The Russian demo man
my steam https:/

written by because im a good friend

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  false ban
Posted by: Hector Salamanca - 07-07-2024, 04:15 PM - Replies (2)

What is your steamid? 76561198170854237

What is your discord @? Hector Salamanca, or bruhmoment_.

Who banned you? JJuce or mindcraftlover332

What is your ban reason? it just says "none"

Approximate time/date of ban? 7/7/2024 at 2:52 pm

Insert a screenshot of your ban message if possible. This is what you see when you try to join the server but are banned.
i cannot submit a image but if you need it I have a screenshot

Was this ban false, did you do what you were accused of? yes this ban was completely false, I had to ask what I was banned for in the discord it was NITRP and mass rdm, however, this is not true. they banned me for placing a few destructible trash cans in the street which I had placed as I was testing something, these cans caused no lag and did not disrupt anyone's gameplay as they had no collision and didn't break any rule. I could not remove these trash cans as much as I pressed z so I thought it was ok and I walked away there was no admin sit and a few minutes later I was banned for 3 weeks. The other claim JJuce made is that I was mass rdming which is just not true as I don't think I had killed anyone without a reason and no sit was made to talk about any rdm or even the trash cans. I had also not killed anyone for a while before and after the trashcans and I had not killed multiple people in a short time span during my entire playtime before the ban, I had only killed a few people because of self defence and also I was a hitman.

Why should you be unbanned? This ban was completely false and I was not made aware of anything I did wrong no sits or requests to stop, I had to goto the no cancer rp discord server to ask the reason I was banned where I was told it was rule number one which is common sense which does not make any sense to what I'm accused of, after I questioned further I was timed out from the discord so that I can no longer talk.

if needed i can be on a discord voice call, or vc in order to talk more about this false ban so I can fully explain my side

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: Kit - 07-07-2024, 12:58 PM - Replies (1)


What is your Steam ID?

What is your discord username?

Who banned you?

What is your ban reason?
Auto-detected modified client

Approximate time/date of ban?
A couple months back, not really sure exactly when.

Insert a screenshot of your ban message if possible. This is what you see when you try to join the server but are banned.
Imgur Link

Was this ban false, did you do what you were accused of?
Well my client was certainly modified, so I'd say its a valid ban.

Why should you be unbanned?
TLDR; I was using a very small script to fix my aim.

At the time, when using KDE, Gamescope, and Proton, any time the mouse was grabbed, it'd force the aim directly down.
Whenever opening the spawn menu, it'd point my aim directly at my feet. So I made a small script that'd correct my aim
back up to where I was aiming before the mouse was captured. I understand that what I did was against the rules in the
sense that I modified my client, but I also feel the modifications weren't harmful in any way.

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  Radio E2 By Oreo (Made to follow you around)
Posted by: Oreo - 07-06-2024, 11:47 PM - Replies (1)

This E2 Is for the wdj_radio addon it is made to allow the radio to float above your head/Follow you

Feel free to optimize/improve this e2 in any way you would like!
(Side note this is my first e2 so dont be too judgy!)

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