No Cancer RP
epic server

fluffy12bob Improper use of Powers
Tater Sunrise Offline
STEAM_0:1:523101075 (fluffy12bob)
Approximate time/date of incident: Sunday Sept 15 ~5:45PM PST
What you are reporting for: Improper warn / use of admin powers


Bought a stack of guns in spawn (as a gun dealer)
NEOW came by and stole them as a pizza man (a class that states it cannot do anything illegal in its description, i.e, stealing)
He ran off and I killed him (because he stole from me)
NEOW called a sit for rdm, I explained the sequence of events as he sat there with my stolen gun in his hand
Fluffy12bob said you cant kill people for stealing from you, warned me, ignored my followup questions and ended the sit.

dommy Offline
Junior Member
In the real world, a pizza man could potentially engage in theft. While this is not typical behavior, it is conceivable that in certain circumstances, individuals in this role might act outside their expected duties. The same principle can be applied in the context of DarkRP, where roleplaying various scenarios often involves bending or expanding upon real-world norms for the sake of creativity and gameplay dynamics. The role of a police officer is specifically defined to uphold the law and maintain order within the server. Unlike other roles that might have flexible or diverse interpretations, cops are tasked with enforcing rules and ensuring that illegal activities are dealt with according to server guidelines. Their role inherently conflicts with engaging in illegal actions, such as theft, as this would undermine their credibility and the integrity of their role.

The pizza man class, as described, is not supposed to engage in illegal activities, but interpretations of rules can vary. The staffer's decision could have been influenced by the need to prevent retaliation and promote roleplay integrity. While the report raises valid concerns, it is crucial to understand that staff decisions are made with the intention of maintaining fairness and roleplay integrity. If there are ongoing issues or dissatisfaction with how the situation was handled, I encourage the involved parties to provide feedback through the server’s formal complaint process to ensure a thorough review.

okay back to smoking ketamine. pls pray for my unban
+5 learning aura
-1 aurora (sry i dont make the rules)
Reply Offline
I spoke to fluffy. turns out he's illiterate i'm gonna go ahead and remove your warn and refund the weapons you lost,sorry for the inconvenience

Oreo Offline
Im a retard

WeebIsASadCat Offline
Senior Member
You can kill someone for stealing from you, fluffy just can't read. It literally says "including counter" in the rules, also if you couldn't kill someone for stealing from you that would just make the gameplay of the server retarded.
Former Event Manager.
Current Senior-Admin & Interim Head-Mod.
Contact me @weebisasadcat on the discord for further help.

JohnnyLandSlide Offline
if maria asks to hang out with you, you go hang out with maria

Tater Sunrise Offline
Thank y'all for the discourse and attention to the subject.

I agree, it isn't a big deal but just wanted to discourage stuff like this from becoming the norm.

Dont forget to kiss your homies goodnight.

yoog ☆ Offline
if maria asks to hang out with you, you go hang out with maria

NCRP Admin Big Grin
I am ukrainian and WILL take your tax money

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